Simple Trick: For Smooth and Perfect Cheesecake


  • We keep going back to Sarah Rae's amazing cheesecake recipe with the increasing knowledge that won't be able to resist making it ourselves much longer! To her excellent instructions, we'll also add one more for getting that perfectly smooth, crack-free crust. A hint: it's all about how you add the eggs!
  • Fine Cooking also recently did an article on cheesecake, and their advice is to add the eggs last and one at a time, just until blended. The reason is because over-mixing will incorporate too much air into the cheesecake and make it puff like a soufflé in the oven. When it cools, the cake will collapse and the top will crack.
  • We also think it's a good idea to gently beat each egg before adding it to the cheesecake batter just to loosen the yolk. This will help it incorporate more easily and quickly.

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