Why This Is the Best Steak I've Ever Had

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  • A few weeks ago I made the best steak I've ever had – it was better than anything I'd had in a restaurant, and any recipe that required the best cut of meat possible. It tasted like angels, and rainbows, and fireworks all rolled up into one slice of meat. But not only was this steak perfect – it was also easy to make. Here's how I did it:

  • The key to making this beauty is a sous vide machine made for your home. While immersion circulators are popular in restaurants, up until recently it's been hard to have the same kind of food experience at home due to how expensive and large they usually are. This is no longer the case.
    In case you're not familiar, sous vide cooking is the method where raw food is vacuum-sealed in a plastic bag and cooked at a low temperature in a water bath. This kind of cooking allows your food to cook evenly and perfectly, every single time. There have been some concerns with cooking in plastic bags and not being able to reuse them – both which are totally understandable. Remember to try and use food safe bags with a double seal closure when sous vide cooking a home.
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  • 2. Then I put some oil in a plastic bag with the rubbed steak and vacuum- sealed it. If you don't own a vacuum sealer (and I mean, who does) you can try these two tricks.
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  • 3. Then I put the vacuum-sealed steak in the sous vide water bath.
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4. Then after a bunch of hours, I took the steak out and seared it. I obviously need a larger pan to hold this thing.
5. Then you cut the steak up and eat it and it like a wild animal.
  • And I mean, just look at this thing! It truly is the best thing in the entire world.
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